Ich bin unterwegs
in einer Melange aus “Jetlag” und Alkohol
in einem Bus mit hundert Sachen Ich bin unterwegs
mit meiner unsichtbaren Eismaschine
mit meinem unsichtbaren offenen Kamin
Sie sitzen neben mir im Flugzeug
Sie liegen neben mir in meinem “King-Size” Hotel Bett
Sie zaehlen nicht als “Excess luggage”
Sie brauchen keinen “Wake-up-call”
Von A nach B der Liebe wegen

Perpetuum Mobile

Adão e Eva revisitados

Nas passadas semanas tem havido uma intensa discussão nos blogs e media norte-americanos sobre a actualização teológica do relato de Adão e Eva e a sua aparente não-contradição com o

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A propósito da leitura do livro de Michael Shermer, The Believing Brain: “Sleep paralysis is a type of lucid dream in which the dreamer, aware of the dream, also senses

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Mente aberta

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFO6ZhUW38w] If anyone can show me one example in the history of the world of a single Psychic who has been able to prove under reasonable experimental conditions that they

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terminalia catappa Seemandelbaum, Indische baum = Amendoeira da Praia Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

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Storm (Tim Minchin)

Isn’t this enough? Just this world? Just this beautiful, complex Wonderfully unfathomable world? How does it so fail to hold our attention That we have to diminish it with the

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